Woven Wonder: Colorful Yarn Bombing


ArtPath 7 Audio Tour

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About This Installation

Utilizing hand-woven colorful acrylic yarn, we will transform selected elements along the path into whimsical, one-of-a-kind artworks. This project, titled "Woven Wonder," aims to:  Enhance the visual landscape: Introduce pops of color and whimsical artistry to the ArtPath, attracting visitors and enhancing their experience. Spark community engagement: Generate curiosity and interaction, encouraging discussions about art and public spaces. Celebrate collaboration: Highlight the power of partnership and community spirit through co-created art. Promote sustainability: Utilize readily available and easily recycled materials like reclaimed acrylic yarn and natural fibers. We envision our yarn bomb as a series of interconnected installations, each tailored to the chosen elements. Using vibrant colors and various weaving techniques, we will create playful patterns and textures that complement the natural forms of the trees or railings. The artwork will be carefully designed to withstand outdoor conditions and ensure the safety of the trees and path users.

Find On The Trail

Downtown Boardwalk Near Impression 5
This site can be found along the boardwalk in Downtown Lansing, just south of Michigan Avenue behind Impression 5 Science Center.
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About the Artist

Barbara Lash & Sierra Cole

The DepARTment

Grand Rapids
, MI

As mixed-media fiber artists, Barbara Lash and Sierra Cole come together as the DepARTment Project to create site-specific art installations. For more than 5 years, they have installed projects as varied as murals, yarn bombs, tire art, mixed media winter activations, and more to help bring vibrancy, curiosity and storytelling to urban and natural settings.


Barbara Lash & Sierra Cole

The DepARTment

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Barbara Lash & Sierra Cole
The DepARTment
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